Prionobrama Filigera Pseudocorynopoma
Among vertebrates, DNA content has been observed to range from 0.78 to 280.00 pg per diploid nucleus (Olmo et al., 1989). Among fishes, DNA content ranges from 0.78 pg per diploid nucleus in Tetraodon fluviatis (Hinegardner and Rosen, 1972) to 248.00 pg inLepidosiren paradoxa (Ohno and Atkin, 1966). The data obtained by Hinegardner and Rosen (1972) on 275 teleostei showed that there is a clear modal value of about 2.0 pg of DNA per diploid nucleus. However, differences greater than two times may be found among specimens of the same family or even of the same genus, as is the case of cyprinids of the genus Barbus (Ohno et al