Tuesday 10 July 2012

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

The scientific publications of the National Museum include two
series, known, respectively, as Proceedings and Bulletin.
The Proceedings series, begun in 1878, is intended primarily as a
medium for the publication of original papers, based on the collec-
tions of the National Museum, that set forth newly acquired facts
in biology, anthropology, and geology, with descriptions of new forms
and revisions o{ limited groups. Copies of each paper, in pamphlet
form, are distributed as published to libraries and scientific organiza-
tions and to specialists and others interested in the different subjects.
The dates at which these separate papers are published are recorded
in the table of contents of each of the volumes.

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani 

Barbus Daruphani

Barbus Daruphani


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