Wednesday 11 July 2012

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

The T-Barb is a very active, yet peaceful schoolfish. They are rarely to be seen in german fish stores. Like all barbs, they are hungry all the time, and I have lots of fun watching them play "rugby" with food tablets. I keep 5 Lateristrigas in a 220 litre community tank together with some Gold and Cardinal Tetras, Zebra Danios and several catfish-species (water conditions: pH 6,7 / 25°C). The T-barbs have never been aggressive against the other fishesI have only had fish for about 3 months, but inherited a 5 year old T-barb. Later we gained a younger one who was so active he was upsetting the smaller tank belonging to my daughter.Our older barb did not take kindly to the younger barb, but has settled down after harassing the poor younger one for a week or two. We have the barbs in a 240 litre tank. Fortunately, the tank has plenty of plants and hidey-holes for refuge.

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

Barbus lateristriga

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