Thursday 12 July 2012

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

I bought mine from The Reef - two males and one female. They are sexed by a green-black line on the male's lateral line. The female has green-black spots all over her. When in good condition, seldom seen in dealers' tanks in Indy, they have orang-red fins and are pretty attractive dashing around from one end of the tank to the other. When I brought them home, I put them in a 20 gallon long tank with a group of other community fish and started feeding them the typical assortment of live foods plus Aquarian flake. In less than a month, they had grown from 3/4" to 1-1/2". I noticed the female was getting fat and the male's fins were glowing orange, so they were netted out and put into a 2-1/2 gallon tank for breeding conditioning. This is when the fish are fed all the small red worms they will eat. After 2 or 3 days, the female was placed into a 10 gallon tank with a clump of java moss on one end and a clump of willow root on the other, and a sponge filte

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

Barbus sachsi

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