Wednesday 18 July 2012

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Redtail sharks are considered compatible in some community tanks, although they may chase docile or peaceful fish that present a large target (such as the Metynnis argenteus, or "silver dollar" fish). This may be physically harmless, but could cause a great deal of stress for the pursued fish, sometimes resulting in death due to stress. Redtails do not typically bite or injure other fish, but they will chase them and try to corner them. They will mostly chase fish away from their territory and then retreat; therefore, it is important to ensure the aquarium is large enough to allow the redtail some space to call its territory. Aquariums should be at least 170 litres (45 gallons) or larger for a comfortable community. Redtails are bottom dwellers, so it is highly suggested that one does not introduce them into an aquarium with another bottom dweller, as they will constantly pester and harass it. They also should not be introduced to communities containing other shark-like fish.

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

Barilius Christyi Crossocheilus

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