Friday 13 July 2012

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

The Leopard Danio is generally believed to be a spotted color morph of the Zebra Danio, and is one of the most common danios available. Truly a 'leopard with spots', they sport an overall brownish gold metallic color stippled with many bluish gray spots. The Longfin Leopard Danio adds another attraction with long flowing fins.
   An ideal fish for the beginner, this attractive little fish is hardy and a prolific breeder. They do well in most community tanks and are a great addition to any collection of danios. Their behavior is pretty typical of the danio group, friendly enough, but definitely active and fast moving. The Leopard Danio is a schooling fish and should be kept in a small group of at least three, ideally ten. A school of danios can be housed with most any fish, provided that the danios will not be eaten and that the other fish aren't startled by swift movement.

Brachydanio Frankei


Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

Brachydanio Frankei

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