Tuesday 17 July 2012

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

A general analysis showed a mean value of 2.9 pg of DNA per diploid nucleus. Very similar DNA content values were observed in the species of the family Cynodontidae which showed a variation of 3% between the two genera studied. Small variations were observed between populations of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Astyanax fasciatus and Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (Characidae, Tetragonopterinae). The subfamilies Tetragonopterinae and Acestrorhynchinae (Characidae) presented the widest range, about 96%. Even in those families in which diploid number and karyotypic formulae were conserved such as the families Anostomidae, Curimatidae, and Prochilodontidae, episodes leading to losses or gains of genetic material became fixed in their evolutionary history.

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

Rasbora Einthoveni

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