Tuesday 17 July 2012

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

There are few aquarium fish as a group that are so uniformly peaceful and easily maintained as the rasboras. Within the genus there are some species that are notoriously difficult to acclimatize to aquarium life when collected from the wild, but once the conditioning process is complete, they will usually become resilient and even robust aquarium inhabitants. In direct contrast, other species accept unfamiliar water chemistry and general community aquarium life with ease.In general, it is essential that any fish should be bought from apparently healthy-looking stocks, but this is perhaps especially true of many of the rasboras. Even if your supplier properly conditions newly arrived fish before offering them for sale, a home quarantine aquarium in which the fish may be further conditioned and observed before releasing them into an established aquarium is an invaluable asset

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

Rasbora Kalachroma

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