Wednesday 11 July 2012

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

The handsome Clown Barb is definitely one of the most attractive barbs for an aquarium. It a lively and peaceful barb that will do well in a community aquarium. If kept with others of its own kind it will tend to school. This barb also prefers warmer water, 79-82° F (26-28° C), so you should select tankmates of a similar size and temperament that will also thrive at higher temperatures.
   As the Clown barb will nibble on plants, an aquarium with rocks and wood for hiding places and an open swimming area make a good central decor. You can also add hardy plants that can thrive in warmer water and place them around the inside perimeter of the sides and back.

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

Barbus everetti

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