Thursday, 12 July 2012

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Tinfoils are a peaceful, large barb, which like their common name, boast shiny silver metallic like body with often orange to bright red fins, which makes them a popular fish to buy with avid fish keepers. Although not native to South America, they are a popular choice of dither fish in setups that have large cichlids as well as large community tropical setups. They are most comfortable in schools of 4 or 6 and it is recommended that you have at least a pair or more if you plan on keeping them. Because of their size and nature, large setups are required. Juveniles will grow very rapidly from the cute little size seen at the fish store and a lot of aquarists find themselves in a situation where they have a very small tank and a very large barb due to their sheer size and nature, Tinfoils require a large setup as adults

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldiv

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

Barbus schwanenfeldi

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