Thursday, 12 July 2012

Barbus Semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

I have had 3 of these barbs since they were just a mere 2cm long. I have 2 males and 1 female, I originally started with 6 but lost 3 of them after 6 months. Now it has been almost 4 years and the female is consitantly full of eggs and her and male are doing the spawning dance all the time.My quesiton is does anyone know the requirements to get these fish to spawn. I know that they are an egg layer, the eggs are yellowish in color and will hatch within 25 hours. I have yet to see her lay the eggs even once.Long with 5 glolight tetras, 1 cory cat, and 1 rubberlipped pleco. I recently had a run in with ick so the tank is still being watched carefully. I plan on setting up my 5.5 gallon with a sponge filter, heater, light and some pvc pipes and flat rocks

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

Barbus semifasciolatus

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