Friday 20 July 2012

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Generally considered a peaceful fish, the Serpae Tetra should always be kept in schools of a half dozen or more. Ideal tankmates are other active fish of similar or larger size, such asBarbs, Danios, and larger Tetras. Bottom dwelling catfish and loaches are also suitable tankmates
Avoid keeping this species with fish that have long flowing fins, or are slow moving, such as Angelfish or Bettas
Also avoid keeping them with smaller species of fish, as they may harass them. Serpae Tetras are most likely to show aggression at feeding time. Placing food at several locations, or using multiple feeding rings, can help reduce nipping at feeding time.

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

Megalamphodius Megalopterus\

Megalamphodius Megalopterus

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